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"Bad Blood" - Taylor Swift

The song Bad Blood by Taylor Swift was chosen as it is incredibly popular (over 2x platinum in Australia), and contains simplistic melodies, harmonies, and rhythms.


I decided that I wanted this arrangement to be designed for students who have not had much experience with playing in ensembles and are perhaps relatively new to their instrument; so we are most likely looking at a year 7 class.


Click on the links below to see each stage of the process of this assignment.



This iBook was created for both the Composition in Music Education, and Technology in Music Education courses. The iBook is about tuning and features topics such as: enharmonic notes, transposing instruments and alternate tunings. 

Composing an original piece

For our second task in Composition in Music Education, we need to compose and record an original piece, based on the task we created in our iBook.

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